Build Your Own Book Nook
John Moore / Getty Images
Back when I was in school, boys took shop and girls took home economics. Yup, the girls got to learn how to cook and sew and change smelly diapers, but the guys got to build stuff. And they even got to bring that stuff home. I still have a little bookshelf in my house that was made by a former boyfriend years ago in shop class. And I’m okay at changing diapers even though I never had kids. But I’ve got lots of books.
How would you like to build your very own book nook? Here’s your chance. Newburgh Free Library is hosting a virtual craft night of book nook making on Thursday, Oct. 29, starting at 5:30PM. They are creating simple doorways into your bookshelf during this one hour adult craft program. Book nooks are becoming a popular way for people to draw attention to their shelves and to their favorite genres.
Because the perfect book nook for you and your space will be created from your own imagination, this workshop will give you tips on things like glue, materials, lighting and more. Questions and ideas are welcome.
Need supplies? They have 15 kits to hand out to people who sign up for this program. Just register with an email and phone number and they will reach out to you to arrange a time for pick up. Even if you don't need a kit, register with an email address to ensure that you receive the link to the virtual meeting. For more information, check out the event facebook page.
Winter is coming, and you’ll be so happy and cozy with your new book nook that you made yourself. And proud, too. Happy building!
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