Are Snow Days Gone Forever?
Many Hudson Valley children are beginning the school year online, while others will be in the classroom part-time. Now our children possess the capabilities to learn virtually does that mean no more snow days?
For starters, I didn't grow up in the generation that had to walk 60 miles uphill to school in three feet of snow when I was a kid. I grew up and went to school in the 1980s and 1990s, where we had a blizzard every few years that kept us home from school for sometimes a week.
I looked forward to a snow day or a delay, anxiously sitting in my room listening to the radio hoping to hear there was no school. Obviously, waiting to hear your school announced on the radio is a thing of the past, but are we done with snow days altogether?
Thanks to the pandemic, schools were forced to switch to an online model in order to continue the learning process. If schools now have the technology to teach online, that would eliminate any need for snow days, right?
Think about it, if the weather is nasty one day, the school can just say "everybody just stay home and safe, we will be doing virtual learning today." That way, the districts won't lose a day of learning.
There is no evidence to suggest that schools will utilize virtual learning instead of using a snow day, but in my opinion, it would be the smartest thing to do. As an adult, when I think about it, it seems very logical. As a child, that would be the worst.
Must-Have Supplies For Virtual Learning