6 Wild Animal Laws in New York You Won’t Believe Had to Be Banned
Tiger selfies, fur sales, and tattoos are all taboo in New York. Here are 6 wild animal laws in the Empire State that are now illegal because someone actually did it.
No Tiger Selfies
It's illegal to take any pictures inside an enclosure with tigers or other big cats at traveling fairs or circuses. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a law banning selfies with tigers and other big cats.
Who would even want to get that close? There's an entire group of crazy people. Tinder Guys with Tigers is just random guys posing with tigers.
No Ink or Bling
Tattooing animals is against the law in New York after a Brooklyn tattoo artist known as Mistah Metro said he gave his dog this heart-shaped tattoo with an arrow through it.
Prohibits companion animal piercing and tattooing except when done in conjunction with a medical procedure for the benefit of a companion animal.
The fine is $250 and a possibility of a few days behind bars.
No Fur Sales
New York banned the sale of dog and cat fur back in 2003. That didn't stop one company from trying.
The Humane Society of the United States found Unique Product Enterprises advertising dog fur products in 2012. The New York company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on April 14, 2022.
No Colored Baby Chick/Rabbit Sales
There are several laws in New York over the sale of baby chicks and bunnies. In 2014, lawmakers banned selling any dyed or colored babies.
No person shall sell, offer for sale, barter or display living baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl or baby rabbits which have been dyed, colored or otherwise treated so as to impart to them an artificial color.
No Bear Gallbladders Without Tag
Bear gallbladders are used in Chinese medicine to treat certain kinds of cirrhosis. There's even evidence that it inhibits the growth of tumors and thus helps prevent colon cancer.
If you want to harvest bear gallbladders you'll need a tag in New York state or you could face a minimum $5,000 fine.
Bear gallbladders and bile shall not be possessed, bartered, sold, or offered for sale or offered for barter unless a valid bear tag is attached.
No Ferrets in NYC
It's illegal to own a ferret in New York City. Mayor Rudy Giuliani banned the pets in the Big Apple back in 1999. The Board of Health voted against overturning the law in 2015 and it remains in effect today.
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