Zika Virus Training Scheduled in the Hudson Valley
Those concerned about the Zika virus, or wanting to know more about the mosquito borne disease, can attend free training this week in the Hudson Valley.
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) of Dutchess County will offer a program on the Zika virus on Thursday, July 21, at 7 p.m., at the Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response, 392 Creek Road in Poughkeepsie.
The training is free and open to the public. Seating is limited and reservations are required.
The training, led by DBCH Public Health Advisor Alison Kaufman, DVM, is expected to point out the areas of the world that are currently affected by Zika, how to prevent the disease, risk factors associated with Zika, and what Dutchess County will do to respond should Zika virus occur in our area.
The MRC of Dutchess County is part of a national network of volunteers dedicated to supporting public health infrastructure as well as disaster preparedness and response in the community. The MRC is comprised of both healthcare and non-healthcare professionals who support Dutchess County's Departments of Emergency Response and Behavioral & Community Health when responding to incidents of all kinds.
For more information about the Medical Reserve Corps, or to reserve a seat at this training, please Joe Ryan, MRC Coordinator, at (845) 486-2493 or jryan@dutchessny.gov.