You Have The Power to Stop Unwanted Mailings
Tired of your mailbox being filled with national advertising mail? You can control what you receive.
Lately, my mailbox at home has been loaded with garbage. Advertisement after advertisement, it's a little much at this point.
I'm sure the postal worker doesn't like putting all that crap in every mailbox on the street. Well, now you can reduce the amount of unsolicited national advertising mail you receive at home.
Ulster County District Attorney’s Division of Consumer Affairs suggests registering your name and address with the Data & Marketing Association at
DMAchoice offers consumers a simple, step-by-step process that enables them to decide what mail they do and do not want.
Consumers without internet access can contact the association at DMAchoice, Data & Marketing Association, PO Box 643, Carmel, NY 10512. Register by sending your name and address (with signature), along with a $3 processing fee (check or money order payable to DMA).
Consumer Affairs can be reached at (845) 340-3260.