Um…I Can See You, Ya Know…
I think we've all learned that if you're having a conversation with someone, it would be rude to have a conversation with someone else at the same time. Well, guess what...if you're texting while we're talking to each other, that's exactly what you're doing. And it IS rude. Just because I can't hear your second conversation doesn't mean I can't see what you're doing. Looking down, thumbs going like crazy, and looking at me blankly when I say something that requires an answer. I can't tell you how often this has happened to me in the last few years. Its dangerous to text and drive, and it's downright rude to text while you're talking to someone else. So, if we're ever together shooting the breeze, do me a favor...Keep your thumbs where I can see them. Thanks. Do you hate this, or are you guilty of it yourself? Feel free to comment below...