A horrific crash has closed a major Dutchess County roadway causing some schools to be delayed.

According to Hudson Valley traffic reporter, Nancy Reamy, a car crashed into a structure on Route 9D in the Village of Wappinger just after 3am on Thursday morning. The crash resulted in a fire that has closed the entire roadway between Middlebush Road and Old Hopewell Road. Local residents report seeing huge flames lighting up the sky early Thursday as the structure burst into flames.

The Town of Wappinger reports that the structure was one of the village's oldest historical buildings. Erected in 1865, the Red Barn across from Marlorville Road has been completely demolished after a fire ripped through it.


Luckily, the building was unoccupied. According to the Town of Wappinger, the driver was rescued and has reportedly survived the horrific accident. Not only was the structure destroyed, but Central Hudson is on the scene installing a temporary utility pole to replace one that was broken in the accident.

This particular stretch of road is especially busy on weekday mornings as commuters use it as a way to get to and from I-84. Drivers are being cautioned to avoid the area and instead, use Route 9 in the Village of Wappingers.

Facebook/Village of Wappingers
Facebook/Village of Wappingers

Parents of local schoolchildren received alerts on Thursday morning that buses would be delayed because of the issues on Route 9D. The route is used for local elementary schools and the site of the accident is very close to Wappingers Junior High School. Dutchess County Emergency Management is advising that this will be an "extended closure" as the accident is investigated.

To make the situation even worse, a torrential downpour hit the area this morning, which could extend the time needed to keep the roadway shut down.

Facebook/Town of Wappinger
Facebook/Town of Wappinger

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Bet You Cant Name All the Route 9s in the Hudson Valley

The Best Hudson Valley Traffic Circles

A traffic circle is a great way to direct traffic. Gone are the red lights. Instead there is a yield sign and traffic moving in unison. I have always been a fan of the traffic circle as appose to a light and intersection. I will admit though for people who aren't use to driving in them they can be pretty intimidating. You have to think of them as a revolving door for cars. Of course I know a lot of people who can't navigate a revolving door. Here are few traffic circles that I enjoy using in the Hudson Valley.