My Lost Treasure: Yes
Our new theme on My Lost Treasure is an alphabet theme. It's just like the Letter Game on The Boris and Robyn Show except longer and deeper. Instead of a new letter each day, we'll do a new letter each week. And we'll be digging a little deeper into the album tracks. This week it's songs that begin with the letter A.
Today's song is bringing back so many memories for me. It seems that every party I went to when I was younger had a Yes album playing on the turntable. In fact, Yes was the first real concert I went to. By real concert, I mean it was just my friends and me, out of town, and in a big stadium. It was quite the experience. Not only was the music amazing, but the light show was incredible. That was a big thing back then. I am sure it would pale by today's standards, but back then it was awesome, and that is how I choose to remember it.
If you have a song that you want to hear that begins with a letter (and what song doesn't?), then email me at or find me on facebook. Thanks!
Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Cat News