We are building a city on My Lost Treasure. I have to say that this is one of the most fun themes I have ever done here on My Lost Treasure. And I have gotten more ideas and suggestions than ever before. I am glad everyone is playing along.

Today's suggestion comes from my old friend Matt Price. Matt disappeared for a few weeks, but now he is back and with some great ideas for our Lost Treasure city. Like today's song. I love Traffic, but I don't think I would have thought of this one on my own. Thanks Matt! We definitely need a factory in our city. It give people a place to work. And what a great factory it is.

If you have a good idea for a song that we can use to build our city I would love to hear about it. You can send an email to robyn@wpdh.com, find me on facebook, or write in the comment section below. Thanks!

Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News