My Lost Treasure: The Grateful Dead
The current theme on My Lost Treasure id the Negative Ns. You know, songs with no, never, none, nowhere, not, etc. Today is April 20. Yup, 4/20. 420 has become associated with marijuana over the years, so I figured I would go with a band that has embraced the 420 culture, and what better band is there than The Grateful Dead?
When I was younger, there was not much mention of 420, if any. It wasn't a thing. I was an adult before I heard about 420. Apparently it was the time some California kids used to meet after school to smoke weed. At least, that is how I heard the story. We never needed a time or a date or a number. Put on a Grateful Dead album, and puff away.
I am pretty sure we will take the negative Ns theme right through to the end of April, so if you have a suggestion or a request let me know at robyn@wpdh.com. And if you have an idea for a future theme, pass that along too. Thanks you, and happy 4/20.