The theme on My Lost Treasure is building a city. We have been working on this theme for a while now. But so many great songs seem to fit. Songs about schools, parks, houses, roads, and much more. You know what we don't have in the city yet? A bar. A whiskey bar.

The idea for this song came to me in an email from Jennifer. Even thought it is called The Alabama Song, Whiskey Bar is included in parenthesis, so it fits the theme. And we have to have a place to go for a drink, right? Great suggestion, great song. Thank you Jennifer.

I have gotten so many great ideas for this theme, but I could always use more. You can email me, like Jennifer did. It's You can also find me on facebook and let me know there, or just write your suggestion in the comment space below. Thanks!

Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News