And our My Lost Treasure city continues to grow. The other day we put a sea next to the city. Partly because I really love the song Sea of Joy. Also because there are a couple of seaside songs that I love and if we have a sea, we can have a seaside. Today's treasure is one of those seaside songs.

Like so many other people, my favorite Queen album is A Night At The Opera. I don't know if it's because of the memories or because it's such a great album. I guess it's probably a little bit of both. Today's song reminds me of my former boss Gary. It was a favorite of his, and every once in a while he would slip it in during his show. It's rare that you would hear this these days on the radio, but here you go. A nice little Saturday morning kind of song.

I hope you are having a great weekend. Boris and I are back on the air Monday morning at six. We have a very cool week planned with lots of fun guests. Talk to you then, and thanks for listening!

Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News