My Lost Treasure: New Riders Of The Purple Sage
The theme right now on My Lost Treasure is the Five Ws. Who, What, Where, Why, and When. Since it is my birthday, I am going to be totally self indulgent with today's lost treasure. It's one of my all time favorites.
I am sure I have mentioned, on this very feature, that the NRPS white album from The New Riders Of The Purple Sage is one of my desert island discs. I could listen to that album over and over, and I have. It even features Jerry Garcia on pedal steel guitar. Phil Lesh is one of the producers, Mickey Hart and Commander Cody are both on the album. It's a musical dream come true for someone like me. I hope you like it too.
Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes. I really appreciate it. If there is something that fits our Five Ws theme that you would like to hear, let me know about it. You can email me at or write to me on facebook.
Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News