My Lost Treasure: Frank Zappa
We are in the middle of a body parts theme here on My Lost Treasure. I am pretty sure the idea for this one came from Matt Price. he comes up with a pretty good percentage of the songs on My Lost Treasure. Thanks Matt!
I must admit that when I was younger I only owned one Frank Zappa album. The one with Billy the Mountain. I think the album was Just Another band From L.A. I wore it out. Billy the Mountain was long and absurd. And I loved it and knew every word. Yup, every single word. As I got older I got to know a lot more from Frank Zappa. he was a strange one, but a musical genius for sure.
Time to kick off the weekend. It happens to be Mountain Jam weekend, so tomorrow and Sunday we will feature songs by artists playing Mountain Jam. And the songs will fit our theme. Have a great weekend, maybe I will see you on the mountain.
Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News