Your House Haunted? NY State Says You Don’t Need to Tell Buyer
So you are getting ready to sell your house here in the Hudson Valley or in New York State, do you need to tell potential buyers (do you need to disclose) if you think that there is 'someone else living with you' of the paranormal persuasion?
Are there states that you have to disclose that you believe it is haunted? Do you think you should tell someone (disclose it) about it? Or if they don't ask, then you don't tell? Here's what I found out about the legalities of do you tell or can you keep it secret?
Are you legally required to disclose if you think your house is haunted in NYS?
According to a press release, you do not have to tell a buyer in New York State about a house being haunted before you sell it to them. Only 4 states actually have laws on the books about this, btw. Those states are New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Minnesota.
READ MORE: Are These the 4 Most Haunted Places in the Hudson Valley?
Does New York State legally require you to say something about whether or not you think your house is haunted? No. However (you knew that was coming, right?) They will rescind the sale of the home, if you, the seller, knowingly "creates and perpetuates a reputation that the house is haunted and then takes unfair advantage of a buyer's ignorance of the home's ghostly reputation." This is called the Ghostbusters Ruling.
Do you believe that a house can be haunted? Does the word haunted cover all paranormal activity or just the type with negative energy? Do you think that you could bring someone in, maybe sage the house or hold a séance and that you could ask the spirits to leave and they will?