Stunning Arctic Temperatures Hit New York State
Temperatures in New York are slowly returning to normal after a particularly nasty cold snap that left some towns with double-digit negative temperatures.
The size of New York State always means that weather will vary across different regions. While some areas see hundreds of inches of snow and others only see enough to build creative snowmen (below), everyone was shivering over the weekend.
Temperatures Drop Across New York State
While the frigid weather didn't linger like it did over several days in January, nearly all of New York saw a dramatic dip in temperatures on Saturday night. While areas in the Hudson Valley experienced single-digit temperatures, neighbors in the Adirondacks saw something far more extreme.
Double-Digit Negative Temperatures in Upstate New York
As would be expected, upstate New York towns saw the brunt of the frigid air, with areas like Saranac Lake, NY recording temperatures of -25 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday February 2nd.
Temperatures in Schroon Lake, NY
Schroon Lake, NY, the site of one of the last remaining Stewart's Shops with this classic amenity, had a slightly warmer experience, with temperatures only dropping to -10 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dangers of Extreme Cold Weather
Other than the obvious physical dangers of extreme cold, the second-most concerning side effect is what arctic temperatures can do to your home. Frozen pipes can be frustrating enough, but burst pipes can be one of the biggest emergencies a homeowner ever faces (here's some tips to avoid them).

While a relative warm spell is currently blanketing much of New York, there is of course more winter weather on the way (have you ever seen how a train deals with feet of snow on the tracks?). Snow is predicted for much of the state on Wednesday, February 5th.
Never Leave These Items In A Cold Car
Gallery Credit: BJ/Getty Images
How To Stay Safe During 'Dangerous' Cold in New York