A photo taken in the Hudson Valley featuring a misspelled construction warning went viral.

The saying goes, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I’ll start by saying I’ve made a number of spelling errors. So have other bloggers here. And that’s with spellcheck!

In this age of spellcheck many of us (raises hand) are losing the ability to spell without spellcheck. Major problems come when you’re writing something and spellcheck isn’t available.

Case in point, this construction warning sign written on Broadway in the City of Newburgh.

Angelo G. Canallo
Courtney Scheible

Yield was clearly spelled out “Yiled!” Newburgh resident Angelo Canallo drove past the humorous mistake Wednesday morning and then posted Courtney Scheible's original Facebook photo of the blunder.

“I thought of the snickers commercial where the guy painted the Chefs instead of Chiefs,” Canallo told Hudson Valley Post. “Honestly I just laughed and was glad I saw proof that I wasn't the only one to mess up at work.”

It’s believed workers were hired to improve parts of downtown Broadway.

Canallo said he learned that City of Newburgh Mayor Judy Kennedy was informed of the situation and that it should be corrected by Thursday.

On his drive home from work Wednesday Canallo noticed the sign was already fixed.

He sent this photo to Hudson Valley Post Thursday morning.

Angelo G. Canallo
Angelo G. Canallo

By posting this story, we aren’t trying to get anyone in trouble. It was an honest, simple, and funny mistake. An error that didn’t harm anyone and actually brought joy to many Newburgh residents, myself included