As the summer concert season begins, Governor Cuomo has announced that there will be coordinated police sweeps at venues in our area to enforce alcohol laws.

Don't be surprised if you're at a concert this summer and someone asks to see your identification. Police will swarming random concert venues, as well as other drinking "hot spots" in an effort to deter underage drinking and prevent the use of fake IDs.

The Governor says the plan is called Operation Prevent. The crackdown is being led by the DMV which will working with police, state investigators and the State Liquor Authority to check ID. Authorities will be patrolling parks, parking areas and concert venues and issuing tickets, impounding vehicles and even arresting people in violation of the law.

Alcohol sensors will also be used by police to determine if liquids in unmarked containers are actually alcoholic beverages. In addition to the on-site crackdown, police will also be stepping up patrols on roadways and entrances to concert venues to look for drunk drivers.

Last year a similar initiative took place at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center as well as other concert venues in the state.

In accordance with state law, anyone under the age of 21 that is found to be using a fake ID or other false document to buy alcohol can be arrested and have their license taken away for up to one year.