This may be the best beverage-related news we've ever heard. The popular Ghostbusters-themed Hi-C flavor is officially back.

There have been rumors swirling for months about the drink's return ever since it was widely reported that Hi-C had renewed their copyright license for the Ecto Cooler brand. It makes sense, seeing that the Ghostbusters movie series is also getting a much-hyped reboot this year.

Anyone who lived through the 90's certainly remembers Ecto Cooler.

The drink was created as a promotional tie-in for the Ghostbusters cartoon, but the popularity of this green-colored orange drink long outlived the series, gaining loyal fans who were crushed when the flavor was eventually discontinued in the late 90s.

In college, our alcoholic drink of choice was Ecto Cooler and rum. We entertained important guests by bringing out the fancy metal can of Ecto Cooler and mixing it with whatever cheap rum we could find. Talk about classy.

Before you run to the stores to get your Ecto-fix, it looks like the drink is still just in the pre-production phase.  A product demo of the new can and label popped up on Ebay this week, finally giving us the proof we've been waiting for that our favorite drink is on its way back.

As of the writing of this article, the can already has 26 bids and a current price of $200. That's kind of crazy, considering the can doesn't actually contain any Ecto Cooler drink at all. With nine days left, we're curious to see just how rabid fans of the drink are, and if the price will continue to rise. That is, if Hi-C doesn't step in and pull the auction first.

UPDATE 2/18/16 at 2:30pm: The original Ebay auction was suspended, but a new one was reinstated on Thursday clarifying that the item is, in fact, genuine and not stolen. Bidding was restarted at 99 cents. The description reads

This was sent to a friend who used to work for a marketing company.  My friend hasn't worked there in a long time and received this via UPS or FedEx the other day.  It was in a plain box with a box containing these inside.  No paperwork.  It's not stolen, nor is it marked "Sample" or "Not For Resale" that's why eBay has allowed this item for sale.

Are you as excited about the return of Ecto Cooler as we are? Let us know your fond memories about the drink in our comments section below.