If you're like most families in the Hudson Valley, you've learned to adapt to a new life of remote learning and working. That's why it's good to know that Petro Home Services can help you get it all done from home.

Of course, with the cold weather starting to hit, it's more important now than ever to make sure your house is warm and cozy. Luckily, Petro Home Services has some great special offers and savings for heating services that homeowners can get a jump on now before temperatures get even colder.

Right now, if you switch to Petro, you can get $100 free heating oil if you join as an automatic delivery customer. You’ll also be able to save even more with low oil and propane prices. Just visit Petro.com or call 1-888-PETRO-02 to get your $100 free heating oil. Not only will it go a long way to help keep your home warmer longer now that you’re spending more time there, but you'll get a head start on saving big bucks on those winter fuel costs.

If your heating system is in need of an upgrade, you'll really want to get moving this month. Petro has a limited time offer to install a new heating system in your home for as low as $88 a month with zero down for qualified customers. Not only will a new heating system keep you warmer, but it can also save you up to $500 in annual heating costs. Right now, Petro is also offering a bonus of $200 in account credit if you get your new heating installed, so there's no reason to wait.

Aside from keeping you warm, Petro Home Services can also give you peace of mind by helping your family breathe cleaner, fresher air. If you're worried about being cooped up all winter, you'll want to check out one of Petro's indoor air quality systems. Allergens, viruses and other pollutants won't stand a chance. UV light and cutting-edge air cleaning technology will prevent pollutants from entering your home and keep you and your family safe and comfortable. The best part is that these cleaning systems can be easily installed into most furnaces and central air conditioning systems.

And, of course, Petro is ready to help with any emergencies you have this winter. Just call Petro and talk with live, local customer service agents 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And, as always, every Petro team member who visits your home will follow all COVID-19 safety protocols because you and your family are their number one priority.

Now that your home has to handle more, switch to the company that can handle it all. Visit Petro.com or call 1-888-PETRO-02 today to find out how you can keep comfortable and save on heating costs this winter.