There's a shameful amount of fear mongering and scare tactics being used by politicians over the few isolated cases of Ebola that have been widely reported by the media. This is according to a man who's job is to influence your political opinion. Shepard Smith, one of the talking heads on Fox News,has shed his partisan on-air persona in the interest of public safety.

Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible.

Smith urged his viewers to stop being alarmed by Ebola. You will not get Ebola. Instead, he urged viewers to be concerned about a different virus which is easily transmitted and kills tens of thousands a year.

Some rare words of sanity from a network that, like many others, makes its money off of the fear of it's viewers. Watch and enjoy these glorious 3 minutes of partisan-free facts: