A Great Season of Shows in Sugarloaf
I was just checking out the line up of concerts coming to the Sugarloaf Performing Arts Center, and wow, what a line up it is. If you are not looking forward to the winter, this will give you something to look forward to. There is a little something for everyone to see.
This Saturday, October 24, it's GetBack! Beatles Experience Live. A must see for any Beatles fan. On November 12, Carl Palmer from ELP and Asia will be at Sugarloaf with ELP Legacy. Remember Howard Jones? He'll be playing Sugarloaf on November 13. Professor Louie and The Crowmatix are there on November 28, Edgar Winter on December 4, and Todd Rundgren December 20. That's a pretty amazing season of shows, don't you agree? And practically in our back yard.
For all the information on the upcoming shows at the Sugarloaf Performing Arts center, or to buy tickets, visit http://www.sugarloafpac.org/events/ Looking forward to seeing you in Sugarloaf. And to get you ready, here's a taste of Edgar Winter.