Heroic Yorktown, NY School Employees Amazingly Save Man’s Life
Thankfully everyone was in the right time and place for this incredible story. You never know when something frightening is going to happen, but thankfully there are people in this world who don't hesitate, step right in and help the best they can. A scary incident recently happened at one Hudson Valley school, but the staff were able to help and miraculously save a man's life.

What medical incident happened in Yorktown, New York?
It all happened at the Mildred E. Strang Middle School in Yorktown Heights. According to officials on November 7th, a custodial worker suffered a significant medical emergency and was in serious need of help. How awful and scary.
Going above and beyond to help out:
Two members of their Aramark Food Service Team noticed something was wrong and quickly got help for the scary situation that was unfolding. Jessica McLaughlin (the school nurse) quickly sprung into life-saving mode and provided help and assistance until the emergency responders were able to get to the school. Wow, thankfully everyone was at the right place at the right time.
A successful emergency response:
Sources say the school did a great job with their emergency responsiveness to the situation and officials quickly activated the emergency response procedures. This limited the amount of movement in the building and allowed the first responders to get to the person very quickly and with no delay.
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A happy ending to a scary story:
The employee who suffered from the medical incident is recovering and expected to be just fine. Of course, a big thank you to Kim, Nancy and Jenny for assisting. All 3 of them were honored at a recent BOE meeting and they were awarded certificates and flowers.
We are going to keep it positive, here are some of the best Christmas towns in the area and the highest-paying jobs in the state:
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