My Lost Treasure: The Monkees
Happy Easter! I am sorry to be negative on Easter Sunday, but our theme right now on My Lost Treasure is the Negative Ns. Songs with the word, no, none, never, nowhere, nobody, and the like in the title.
Lots of times on a Sunday I will play a cool old song. An "oldie" if you will. I have one for you today, and I have always thought this was a pretty rocking song. I am a Monkees fan from way back. I still love them and I still listen to their music. They were not only talented musicians in their own right, but they had great writers behind them.
The theme may be negative, but I wish you a positively happy Easter Sunday. Boris and I will be back on the air tomorrow morning, and this week we have tickets to see Poison and Tesla at the Times Union center in Albany. Be listening tomorrow for all the details.