The theme we are working on for My Lost Treasure is weather related songs.  If you follow this feature, you know that we often play oldies on Sundays.  I do not know why, but oldies seem to go over better on a Sunday.

We are going really far back today.  I remember this one when I was very young, and I'm pretty sure I thought it was about a girl named Wendy.  All of my little friends thought it was Wendy too.  But eventually, probably when we bought the 45, we saw it in writing.  And we came to learn that the song is Windy.  Which means it fits right in with our current theme. And boy does it ever bring back memories for me.  Maybe it will do the same for you.  If you are old enough.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  Boris and I will be back on the air tomorrow morning at six.  Talk to you then.