Today we end our current theme on My Lost Treasure.  And we also kick off our new theme.  The outgoing theme is songs with babe or baby in the title.  The new theme is songs with rock or rock and roll in the title.  Today's song has both.  Kind of.  It's got the baby in the lyrics, and it should be in the title.  It's the perfect theme transition song.

I have not heard today's song on the radio in ages, but we used to play it quite a bit back in the day.  I also got lots of requests for it when I hosted the all request lunch show.  It is a great old song from Steppenwolf, and I am loving listening to it as I type this.

Do you have any requests or suggestions that will fit the theme?  There sure are a lot to choose from.  You can email me your ideas at or let me know on facebook.  Enjoy the rest of the weekend.  Boris and I off today, but we will talk to you tomorrow morning at six.