The theme right now on My Lost Treasure is songs with body parts in the title. Today the body part is heart. A lot of songs have heart in the title and this is one of my favorites.

I realize that I have already featured a Neil Young song during this theme, but I got a request for this one from Mary Kaye Dolan Anderson. And I was already planning on playing it at some point, so here it is. And in my book, you can never get enough Neil Young. I might even play a third Neil Young song during this theme, who knows?

I love getting suggestions and requests from you. If you have one that will fit the body parts theme, pass it along to me and I will use it for My Lost Treasure. I'll even give you crdit for coming up with it. You can email me at, find me on facebook, or write your idea in the comment section below. Thank you.

Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News