We are taking the up and down theme through the end of the month, which is this Tuesday.  Starting on March 1 the new theme will be in and out.  Because they say that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.  But today it is an "up" song from kiss.

Whether you love Kiss, hate Kiss, or fall somewhere in between like I do, you have to admit they have a place in rock and roll history.  The make-up, the marketing, there is no denying the genius of Kiss.  And they had some pretty good songs that bring back some great memories.  Today's treasure a good song to kick off the weekend..

If you have any ideas for the new in and out theme, let me know at robyn@wpdh.com.  You can also find me on facebook.  have a great weekend, and Boris and I will talk to you Monday morning at six.