Just a few more days until our My Lost Treasure city is complete. It's been a really fun theme and our city is quite big. Thanks for all the great suggestions and requests that you sent to help expand the city.

We have been going by song titles to build the city, and I guess we can do that with today's lost treasure, but it's really the lyrics that I was thinking of. The idea is to add a parking lot to our city, but adding a yellow taxi for people to get around in is okay too. So today our city gets both a parking lot and a taxi. A big yellow one. And if I can get a Joni Mitchell song on, then I'm going to do it. Lots of Joni's music seems lost these days, and it's all a treasure.

Got any ideas for a new theme on My Lost Treasure? I have an idea for our next theme and I'll tell you what it is in a few days. If you have a suggestion send it to me at robyn@wpdh.com. Thanks!

Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Rock News