The theme is songs with a holiday reference in the title that were never meant to be holiday songs. Songs about red, green, blue, white (for Chanukah), candles, trees, lights, etc. Today it's another star song.. And we're headed Woodstock for this one.

I was too young to see Jimi Hendrix in concert, but I did get to know his long time producer Eddie Kramer. Eddie lived in the Hudson Valley for a while, and was a frequent guest here at the radio station. We even became friendly over the years, and even hung out a couple of times. It was a fun. Eddie always had some great stories to share. And Eddie's still at it. He's behind a new Jimi Hendrix album coming out in the near future.

If you have an idea for a song that can be tied in with the holidays, yet isn't an actual holiday song, let me know what it is. You can email me at or find me on facebook. Thanks!

Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Cat News