Our theme on My Lost treasure is weather related songs.  Or at least songs that sound as if they are weather related.  I always ask for suggestions, and I can't rightly remember who sent me this one, but I'm sure glad he or she did.  It is one of my favorite tunes, and James Taylor is one of my favorite singer songwriters.

I probably would not have thought of this on my own.  Which is kind of embarrassing because Sweet Baby James is on my list of desert island discs.  That list is up to about a hundred albums, by the way.  I have always loved James Taylor.  And even when I see clips of his recent shows, I still think he sounds amazing.  And he is as charming as ever.  Yet, I have never seen him in person.  i hope to one of these days, though.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  If you have a great weather related song that you would like me to include on My Lost Treasure, let me know.  And thanks to the person who sent me the suggestion for today's tune.  Good one.