Who knew you could go fishing and a fight club would break out. It happened in one Upstate New York river and there's video to prove it. Two anglers got into it while fishing in the Salmon River. One fisherman on the bank started walking towards the other in the water who could be heard asking "What the f*&% is your problem man?"

Credit - Shane Muckey via Facebook
Credit - Shane Muckey via Facebook

Underwater Fight

The man from the bank can be seen in a video pushing the other into the water. When the two get back up they start what looks like the main event at the WWE with both going underwater.

fishermen fighting in salmon run river
Credit - Shane Muckey via Facebook

Fishermen to the Rescue

The fisherman in the water then holds the other man underwater. Luckily the other fishermen witnessing the scuffle along the banks of the river told the two to knock it off before someone drowned.

Credit - Shane Muckey via Facebook
Credit - Shane Muckey via Facebook

Crossed Lines

What was the fight all about? Mike Barna was fishing in the area at the time and said he saw the whole fight.

It was so much better live, until the attempted drowning.... all over tangled and cut lines SMH.

Raihan Pitkin was also trying to fish and can be seen in the far left of the video. He said the altercation ruined the rest of the morning for him. Who knew fishing was such a violent sport?


Beware of coarse language

Not First Fish Fight

Apparently this isn't the first fight club fishing on the Salmon River. Two fishermen were seen throwing down in September.

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Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

10 Largest Fish Ever Caught in NY State

Behold these 10 behemoths pulled out of New York state waters!

Gallery Credit: Will Phillips