Your holiday eating is about to get so much better.

For $50, you can buy a Hidden Valley Ranch keg that holds five liters of the delicious dressing, which is perfect if you got in on its ranch fountain earlier this year.

"It isn’t a party unless the Hidden Valley Ranch is flowin," the item description aptly reads.

Hidden Valley Ranch Keg
Flavour Gallery

Standing just over nine-and-a-half inches tall with a diameter of 6.3 inches, the keg also features a "Special inside coating [that] meets FDA specifications and keeps the ranch tasting fresh."

And there's a bonus. When you buy the keg, it comes with a year's supply of ranch dressing, although, let's be honest: who can actually say what a "year's supply" is, especially when you've got a keg at the ready to keep the dressing coming like drinks at an open bar.

There is a little bit of bad news, though. You can pre-order the keg now, but it won't ship until December 11, which means that you're going to have wait to either throw the best holiday party of all-time or wait to give the greatest Christmas gift of all-time. Because, let's be honest, a keg of dressing just cannot possibly topped, right?