Help NYS DEC Track Bears and other Mammals
Black bears are something we here more about lately in the Hudson Valley. This time of year they are resting in their dens but it won't be long before they are stirring and reports of bear sightings will return to the headlines.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) posted this week on Facebook some bear cub facts. Cubs are cute but they are not to be approached. Chances are their mom is close by and keeping an eye on them. I have never actually seen a bear cub in the wild but I did have the opportunity to see a bear up close and personal last fall.
I was driving up my road when I noticed a large object moving on the side of the road in front of me. Suddenly there was a large black bear about 20 feet from my car. Needless to say I stopped and let the bear cross the road. I also made sure it was well into the woods before I moved the car.
Sighting like these are of interest to the NYS DEC. You should never approach a bear but if you see one, the information can be helpful. So the NYS DEC is asking that you look into being a part of iSeeMammals. It is a website where you can register and report information as one of their citizen scientists. It is not just bears they collect data on so find out more about how you can help track New York's wildlife.
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