Al Sharpton Wants to Bring Uber to the Hudson Valley
Al Sharpton has made it his goal to bring Uber to the Hudson Valley. Do you think it's a good idea?
A new commercial released this week claims that 80% of New Yorkers are in favor of bringing ridesharing companies like Uber to communities like the Hudson Valley. Now you can add Rev. Al Sharpton to the list of supporters.
Sharpton has joined other civil rights leaders throughout the state to support ridesharing in New York. Because cars are so necessary to get around in the Hudson Valley, those without them are left at a severe disadvantage.
While our Hudson Valley communities have good public transportation, it can take hours to get from place to place. And many buses don't travel to the dozens of rural communities in the area. Cab service, on the other hand, can be extremely expensive. And for those who don't plan ahead, the hope of grabbing a quick ride across town is a fantasy. Getting a cab to arrive at your door could take hours.
Sharpton said in a press release,
Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft will ensure that every New Yorker can get an affordable, reliable ride - no matter what neighborhood they live in or what they look like... with many Upstate communities long ignored by public transit, we must take action and help our fellow New yorkers move around their cities and towns.
Governor Cuomo has come out in support of opening up Uber to areas outside of Manhattan. It's now in the hands of the State Legislature. Lawmakers may be holding a special session next week to decide on the matter.
Do you think Uber should come to the Hudson Valley? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below or join in on the conversation on our Facebook page.