It isn't all that unusual for a kid to harbor dreams of rocking a concert crowd while opening for his musical heroes, but 12-year-old Kris McDowall is one of the rare few that might actually see that dream come true.

McDowall, a budding guitarist and rabid AC/DC fan from Saltcoats in North Ayrshire, Scotland, would love to open for the group when they play Hampden Park in Glasgow on June 28 -- and there's a growing group of fans that's trying to help convince the band that they should hire him.

The young rocker's prowess is on display in the above video, which has become part of a viral campaign in support of McDowall's goal. Telling the Daily Record that "It would mean the world to me to open for AC/DC because I have always been their biggest fan," he added, "I am really grateful for all the support I’ve received. It’s really encouraging for me to know that people believe in me, as much as I believe in myself to go and play Hampden."

The Record's report also quotes AC/DC Fan Club founder and president David Serrano, whose support sparked the social media frenzy currently surrounding McDowall. "The kid is marvellous and very gifted in all senses," said Serrano. "He has a lot to give and there is no doubt in my mind that he has what it takes to open a stadium. People just need to keep supporting him and the campaign and I will also be doing anything I can."

"I’m still pinching myself that this is all happening at the moment," said McDowall. "I know I can do it, because I feel like I’ve been waiting for a while, practicing hard and that’s why I think I deserve it."

There's no comment from the band yet, but we obviously still have plenty of time before the show. For more information on the campaign, visit its Facebook page.

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