I recently drove from Poughkeepsie to Ohio to visit family. This is a drive I have done countless times, a few of those times by myself. You learn a lot on a long trip alone. Or at least you make a lot of observations. Here are some of the things I learned on this trip.

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    There will always be construction on Interstate 80. It doesn’t matter what time of the day or the year. There will always be construction.

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    Jackson Browne’s Late For The Sky album is a musical masterpiece. I learn this every year.

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    A mug that keeps liquids hot for up to 12 hours only works for about 8 hours. Which is still pretty good.

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    I can drive 11 hours with only one pee break.

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    At about 10 hours in I will have some sort of “will I ever get there” panic attack and have to listen to Carole King’s Tapestry album to calm me down. At least twice.

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    That lady on my GPS is my best friend.

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    After you’ve been in totally stopped traffic for like a half an hour, when you finally start going, you will see no reason for the stop. No accident, no dead bodies laying in the road, just a simple merge because one lane is closed.

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    When I see bad drivers I use words (to myself) that are so offensive even I blush.

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    Other morning radio shows suck even more than we do.