Many Fridges, Freezers Soon Won't Be Available In New York StateMany Fridges, Freezers Soon Won't Be Available In New York StateSeveral home appliances will soon be banned in hopes of saving the environment and saving you moneyBobby WelberBobby Welber
4 Things New Yorkers Can Unplug To Lower Their Electric Bill4 Things New Yorkers Can Unplug To Lower Their Electric BillSay goodbye to those sky-high energy bills! Unplugging these things when you're not using them can save you a lot of money. Glenn PitcherGlenn Pitcher
Best Temp for New Yorkers To Keep Their House Set at in Winter Best Temp for New Yorkers To Keep Their House Set at in WinterFind your ideal temperature setting and save money on heating bills with the U.S. Department of Energy's tipsGlenn PitcherGlenn Pitcher
With Winter Looming, New York Offers Energy Saving HelpWith Winter Looming, New York Offers Energy Saving HelpHeating costs are expected to increase up to 50% for winter 2022 and New York is offering residents savings tips and tips on applying for heating assistance. Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Boiceville, NY Bakery, First Ever to Operate on 100% Renewable EnergyBoiceville, NY Bakery, First Ever to Operate on 100% Renewable EnergyI like big loaves and I cannot lie. Where can you get great bread, baked with renewable energy in the Hudson Valley? BrandiBrandi