Driving in a foreign country has it's difficulties. Not only could you be on the wrong side of the road, you may very well be on the wrong side of the law if you're not aware of some really strange, but really serious driving laws. Before you pack your bags and head out to explore the world, make sure you read up on a few of the oddest international driving laws we've found:
You will be fi
If you're psyching yourself up to make that New Year's resolution that you most likely won't keep (Really, the gym THREE times a week?), check out these 5 resolutions that aren't just easy to do, but will make 2014 a better year for you and the people around you...
Be careful as you head out this morning...lots of light freezing rain, and icy conditions on the road, too. It should all turn to rain by noon. Delays and cancellations are on the website. Thanks for listening to The Boris and Robyn Show...