N.J. Breweries Hit With Regulations; Could N.Y. Breweries Be Next?
Whether it's your first alcoholic drink of choice or not, you can't deny the effect it's had as hundreds upon hundreds of new breweries have popped up all over the country the past five to ten years.
Many are here in New York and other parts of the northeast.
So when the New Jersey Division of Alcohol Beverage Control issued news rules to go in effect for its 88 state breweries, brewery owners here in the Hudson Valley and state of New York are going to take notice.
NJ.com says that the new rules will limit how many "specialty attractions" and events the breweries can hold each year. This includes private parties, trivia nights, televised sporting events, food trucks, and live music. Why? Backers of the new regulations say the ruling will help level the playing field between the breweries and other establishments serving alcohol; such as bars and restaurants.
New Jersey Restaurant and Hospitality Association president Marilou Halvorsen says will put the breweries in line with the state's liquor industry requirements.
Obviously, many New Jersey brewery owners, employees, and customers are pissed. Talk about no fun. What a way to hurt many of these smaller businesses that are trying to grow.
So could it happen in New York? In 2016, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation to actually strengthen New York's burgeoning craft beer industry.
So far, Cuomo has been a supporter of New York's craft breweries. On January 1, 2013 the Governor's farm brewery law went into effect, which allows craft breweries that use ingredients grown in state to open restaurants, self-distribute, and open a certain amount of off-site brach stores in state.
According to governor.ny.gov, there are currently over four hundred breweries in the state of New York.