The theme right now on My Lost Treasure is a letter theme that was inspired by the Letter Game that we play on The Boris and Robyn Show. We're playing a week of songs starting with each letter of the alphabet. And this is round two. Right now we're on the E songs.

Today's song is from my favorite Paul McCartney album. Actually it is one of my all time favorite albums period. I am talking about the Ram album. I know, I'm always turning to the Ram album for lost treasures, but it's such a great album that I can't help myself. On a recent trip to Ohio, I listened to Ram a couple of times. I just never seem to get tired of it. If you are one of those McCartney fans that only know the hits from Ram, give today's treasure a listen. I'm pretty sure you'll like it.

Got an idea for a good E or F song? Let me know at, or find me on facebook. Thanks for all the great suggestions, keep them coming!

Bonus Video: Robyn Taylor’s Cat News