My Lost Treasure: Marvin Gaye
The theme on My Lost Treasure is the Five Ws. Who, What, Where, When, and Why. For some reason I like to play the really old stuff on the weekends. And this one is pretty old. It's so old that I was too young to care about the real meaning of it at the time.
Back in 1971 when this song was big, there was the Vietnam War, and a lot of people protesting it. And there were a lot of musicians writing protest songs. The whole What's Going On album from Marvin Gaye was a protest album. Today's lost treasure is the title cut. My boyfriend Bobby, who is a musician, still performs this song. It always gets a great reaction from the audience, even those too young to remember.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Tomorrow I will have another old song that is also a protest song. And it fits the Five Ws theme with a "what" in the title. Can you guess what it is?