There are still a few good songs to go before I end the current theme of up and down.  This one from Bruce Springsteen came to me just the other day.  It's a great "up" song.

I am a Bruce Springsteen fan.  Not a die hard fan that has to see him every time he comes to the area, but a fan none the less.  In fact, I have only seen Bruce in concert once, but it was in his home state of New Jersey, so it was pretty awesome.  A lot of people become bigger Bruce fans once they see him live.  I am a big fan of the Born To Run album.  And I am a big fan of today's lost treasure even though it's not from that album.

Boris and I will return to the airwaves this coming Tuesday, Feb. 21.  We are well rested and ready to entertain you.  Well, entertain might be a strong word, but we will try.  In the meantime enjoy the holiday weekend, and we look forward to talking to you next  week.