The theme right now on My Lost Treasure is professions, and the current sub theme is musicians.  I decided on musicians in honor of WPDH's 40th anniversary on June 1.  Today is a song from one of New York's finest.

I think it was today's song that first got me into Billy Joel.  I could be wrong, but it is the first song I remember hearing from him.  And, at the time, it blew me away.  I did not know one person who didn't fall in love with the song.  There are a lot of Billy Joel songs I have come to like more, but I still love this one.  Today's lost treasure goes out to Cheryl Gleason, Chris Morello, and Vicki Rudolph, three big Billy Joel fans.

Do you have a good idea for a song that fits our profession theme?  I could use some suggestions.  Feel free to send them to me.  It's