Join Woodstock Harley for The Ride for Spectrum Services
Join Woodstock Harley Davidson this Saturday, October 3, for the ride for Spectrum Services. It's an open house, breakfast, ride, and barbecue, with live music from The Thrown Together Band.
It starts at 8:30 am with breakfast at Woodstock Harley Davidson, Route 28 in Kingston. Kickstands up at 9am with a ride that benefits the Center for Spectrum Services, an organization that supports autistic children. Then, it's back to Woodstock Harley Davidson at noon for a complimentary barbecue. The Thrown Together Band will play from 1-5 pm.
There will also be an open house all day at Woodstock Harley Davidson, so you can check out the 2016 line of Harleys. It's rain or shine, and it's a great cause. For more info,