Have a Peeling NY License Plate? DMV Offering Free Replacements
A peeling plate could earn you a traffic ticket.
Over the last few years peeling license plates across New York has become quite the problem, just anyone who unfortunately has one...LOL! Did you know that if your plates are peeling and hard to read by authorities they can pull you over because of it?
Peeling Plates Could Get You Pulled Over
Getting pulled over by the police is something I think we can all relate to. That feeling we get in the pit of our stomachs when we look up into the rearview mirror and see the red and blue lights flashing behind us! There's nothing worse, so if there are ways to avoid it happening for an easy-fix issue, we need to take advantage of it.
Peeling License Plates
It has been well-documented that a few batches of licensee plates over the last year or so haven't been very good. The Department of Motor Vehicles has called it a "delamination" problem and is reminding car owners that there is still time to replace their peeling plates and no cost.
No Cost Replacements, Sort of...
The DMV announced that they will not change anyone who needs their plates replaced due to delamination if they agree to receive new plates with a new number. If customers want to keep the plate number they currently have they will be charged $20 for replacements.
How to Get Replacement License Plates Free
According to News 10, the DMV is requiring anyone who needs new plates to send them an email at dmv.sm.peelingplates@dmv.ny.gov. The email needs to include their current plate number in the subject line, as well as the following:
Name as it appears on the registration
Address, city, state, ZIP code
Daytime phone number
Peeling plate number
A picture of the peeling plates
Once all information is received and processed a new registration/windshield sticker will be mailed along with the new license plates.
How to Get Replacement License Plates and Keep Plate Number
Car owners that would like to replace their current peeling license plate and keep their current plate number are being asked to fill out an application online. Once that's complete they will need to include a picture of their peeling plate, a $20 check, or money order payable to "The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles" and send it all to:
6 Empire State Plaza
Room 414A
Albany, NY 12228
Destroy Old Plates
Once customers receive their new plates in the mail the DMV is asking everyone to destroy their peeling plates and not to return them to the DMV. They recommend that everyone use a permanent marker to cross out the plate number before throwing it away so that the plates can't be reused.
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