So the other day I wrote about a few Christmas movies that I just think are entirely overrated. Movies that I just can't stand during this time of year. Well to balance that out, I do have plenty of Christmas movies that I do enjoy and am more than happy to watch this time of year. So I guess it's time to talk about a few of them.

The Grinch

I'm starting off this list with arguably my favorite Christmas movie "The Grinch". The classic Dr. Seuss story is a must watch for the holiday season but my favorite version is the JIm carrey lead film from 2000. Jim Carrey was absolutely perfect for the role, the way he spoke, his mannerisms, it was in my opinion the perfect portrayal of the classic character. So much so that as kid, I couldn't believe that The Grinch was played by the same person who brought the iconic character of Ace Ventura. What's most surprising to me is that the movie is now over 20 years old. I knew it came out when I was kid, I just didnt think we reached that 20 year marker yet.

The Santa Clause

Next up on my list is "The Santa Clause". This is another favorite from my childhood, actually I'm beginning to notice a theme here. Regardless, this a movie that I enjoyed plenty as a kid and when I rewatched for the first time when I was older, I really got to enjoy it more. I especially enjoyed Tim Allen's performance as Santa, his level of sarcasm and attitude is the type of comedy that I still adore today. Tim Allen's character of Scott also develops greatly through the film. He doesn't except that he's become Santa, he's in complete denial but that denial eventually becomes acceptance and in accepting his new responsibilities, it brings him closer with his son.

Jingle All the Way

Final movie on my list today is "Jingle All the Way". I know the vast majority of people who are fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger are probably not thinking of this movie when it comes to his legendary film history. For me though this was my first introduction to who Arnold Schwarzenegger was. When I first saw this movie I had no idea who "The Terminator" was. To say this movie takes you on wild ride is an understatement, Schwarzenegger and Sinbad I thought were great opposing characters towards one another. Who would've thought that one "Turbo Man" action figure could cause so much trouble?

The Hudson Valley's Best Holiday Light Displays of 2022

See some of the brightest and best holiday lights in the Hudson Valley below!

Can You Guess the Christmas Song From Acorn Photos

Take the musical challenge. Identify the Christmas song these cute acorns are depicting.