You're not going crazy if you thought you noticed more police on roads. Here's why.

Over the weekend New York State Police announced that Troopers across the state issued 11,865 tickets during a special STOP DWI traffic enforcement period over Super Bowl Weekend.

New York State Police Hands Out 11,865 Tickets During Super Bowl Weekend


The campaign ran from Friday, February 10, through Monday, February 13.

"I thank our State Police and local law enforcement for their diligent efforts to get dangerous drivers off of the roads," Governor Hochul said. "The poor decisions made by impaired and reckless drivers put everyone on the road at risk. Enforcements like these send the message that we will not tolerate this behavior on our roadways."

Troopers arrested 183 people for DWI and investigated nearly 500 crashes, which resulted in four deaths and 73 injuries.

New State Police Super Bowl Crackdown Results

New York State Police
New York State Police

Below are the results across New York State:

  • Speeding: 4,119
  • Distracted Driving: 267
  • Seatbelt violations: 356
  • Move Over Law: 86
  • Overall Tickets: 11, 865

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"The results of this year's enforcement show that too many people are still making the wrong decision and getting behind the wheel while drunk or impaired," New York State Police Acting Superintendent Steven A. Nigrelli said. We have no tolerance for this behavior, and our Troopers will remain vigilant to remove these reckless individuals from our roadways."

Hudson Valley Leads New York State In DWI Arrests

Below are the results of the campaign broken down by region:


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In 2022, during last year's Super Bowl enforcement initiative, State Police issued 10,975 tickets and arrested 189 people for DWI.

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