We've all had to deal with automated systems when dialing for service or help, at some point. It can be especially frustrating cause sometimes you just want to talk to an actual human rather than a recording telling you to "Press 1 For Customer Service". Well, a New York City Health Department employee is in a lot of hot water for having a little fun at customers' expense while answering the phones at his job. And by hot water, we mean a 20 day suspension from work without pay. So what is this all about? Seems the employee got tired of dealing with everyone and started answering calls while speaking in a monotone, robotic voice, telling the callers..."You have reached the help desk". Thinking that they were dealing with a recording, the people calling grew impatient, with some even hanging up.

The worker said at a hearing that he was following a call-answering script, and had to articulate and enunciate his words carefully because of a heavy Brooklyn accent. The administrative law judge labeled him as a disgruntled employee who was lashing out. The city Civil Service Commission has upheld the suspension. A lawyer for the employee called the ruling 'exceedingly harsh'.