My Lost Treasure: Jimi Hendrix
It's a new theme here on My Lost Treasure. The theme is size, and it is a big one. There are so many songs to choose from. Think about it. Big, little, large, small, fat, skinny, thin, wide, tall, short, the list goes on and on. Today's treasure is a great "little" song from Jimi Hendrix.
I was too young to see Jimi Hendrix in concert, but I did get to know his long time producer Eddie Kramer. Eddie lived in the Hudson Valley for a while, and was a frequent guest here at the radio station. We even became friendly over the years, and even had dinner together one night in Kingston. It was a fun evening. Eddie was a great guy to know, and he always had some great stories to share. Last I heard he was on the west coast and doing fine.
If you have an idea for our size theme, I would love to know about it. Send your requests to, find me on facebook, or write your suggestions in the comment section below. Thanks!